Package-level declarations
Listener for on-registered events on the client side. Will be fired for all configs registered on the client, including your own.
Listener for on-registered events on the server side. Will be fired for all configs registered on the server, including your own. Common code should also use this, as server configs are loaded on both sides regardless of environment (they are not technically "server" configs, they are "synced" configs).
Listener for on-sync events on the client side. Will be fired for any and all updated configs, allowing inspection of other configs. For use in your own configs, consider directly implementing Config.onSyncClient
Listener for on-sync events on the server side. Will be fired for any and all updated configs, allowing inspection of other configs. For use in your own configs, consider directly implementing Config.onSyncClient. Common code should also use this, as server configs are loaded on both sides regardless of environment (they are not technically "server" configs, they are "synced" configs).
Listener for on-changed events on the client side. Will be fired for any and all updated configs, allowing inspection of other configs. For use in your own configs, consider directly implementing Config.onUpdateClient
Listener for on-changed events on the server side. Will be fired for any and all updated configs, allowing inspection of other configs. For use in your own configs, consider directly implementing Config.onUpdateServer. Common code should also use this, as server configs are loaded on both sides regardless of environment (they are not technically "server" configs, they are "synced" configs).